Product received on time and form offered.
The unit that has arrived to me has not brought any installation documentation or connection scheme.
Thanks to the contributions of connection schemes of other stores on the Internet, and videoturials of its installation and configuration, I have managed to bring its installation to good completion.
iThe connections are the ones I left in the photo section. Remembering that the GPS Tx output is connected to the board Rx and the GPS Rx is connected to the board Fc Tx.
They connect crosswise so that there is read and write communication of information between devices.
After connecting to the Fc, you have to register the sensor in Betafligth, taking into account the UART where it has been connected, all this in the ports tab.
After activating the GPS tick in the configuration tab, it is interesting to define the service in case of aircraftafe and also be able to use the RTH mode, so that according to the information provided by the GPS, the drone returns to its origin of takeoff in the configured way, both height, speed, angle of attack, speed of descent or distance of approach.
All these options, intuitive in its configuration.
The first time you connect the antenna and let it look for satellites for its operation, the time it takes to perform this task may be enough to drain a battery. It is necessary to take this time very into account since the drone is on and not in flight, both the fc and the vtx accumulate temperature, being able to become critical this temperature.
I strongly recommend, do not leave the equipment unattended in any case, as well as go controlling the temperature, in order to avoid accidental breakdowns.
The GPS antenna, brings a small battery that is responsible for providing service to the location storage of the last satellites, in this way, the time spent to recover the satellites (in future connections), is significantly reduced.
It is interesting, that the antenna is in the ideal position, in order to have direct access to the sky, to be able, far from the vtx, Fc or antennas, in order to avoid possible interference.
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Producto recibido en tiempo y forma ofertado.
⚠️La unidad que me ha llegado no ha traído ningún tipo de documentación de instalación o esquema de conexiones.
Gracias a los aportes de esquemas de conexión de otras tiendas en la Red, y videoturiales de su instalación y configuración, he conseguido llevar a buen puerto su instalación.
ℹLas conexiones son las que he dejado en el apartado de fotos. Recordando que la salida de Tx del GPS se conecta al Rx de la placa y el Rx del GPS se conecta al Tx de la placa Fc.
Se conectan cruzados para que exista la comunicación de lectura y escritura de información entre dispositivos.
✅Tras su conexión a la Fc, hay que dar de alta en Betafligth el sensor, teniendo en cuenta el UART donde se ha conectado, todo esto en la pestaña de puertos.
Después de activar el tick de GPS en la pestaña de configuración, es interesante definir el servicio en caso de failsafe y poder utilizar también el modo RTH, para que según la información que aporta el GPS, el dron vuelva a su origen de despegue de la forma configurada, tanto altura, velocidad, ángulo de ataque, velocidad de descenso o distancia de aproximación.
Todas estas opciones, intuitivas en su configuración.
🟢La primera vez que conectas la antena y lo dejas que busque los satélites para su funcionamiento, el tiempo que emplea en realizar esta tarea puede llegar a ser suficiente como para agotar una batería, hay que tener este tiempo muy en cuenta ya que el dron al estar encendido y no en vuelo, tanto la fc como el vtx acumulan temperatura, pudiendo llegar a ser crítica esta temperatura.
‼️Recomiendo encarecidamente, no dejar el equipo desatendido en ningún caso, al igual que ir controlando la temperatura, con el fin de evitar averías accidentales.
✅La antena GPS, trae una pequeña batería que se encarga de dar servicio al almacenamiento de localización de los últimos satelites, de esta forma, el tiempo empleado para recuperar los satelites (en futuras conexiones), se ve mermada notablemente👍.
⚠️Resulta interesante, que la antena esté en la posición idónea, con el fin de tener acceso directo al cielo, a poder ser, lejos del vtx, Fc o antenas, con el fin de evitar posibles interferencias.
⁉️Si este comentario te ha resultado útil, dale un like👍, para poder ayudar a más personas.
Product received on time and form offered.
The unit that has arrived to me has not brought any installation documentation or connection scheme.
Thanks to the contributions of connection schemes of other stores on the Internet, and videoturials of its installation and configuration, I have managed to bring its installation to good completion.
iThe connections are the ones I left in the photo section. Remembering that the GPS Tx output is connected to the board Rx and the GPS Rx is connected to the board Fc Tx.
They connect crosswise so that there is read and write communication of information between devices.
After connecting to the Fc, you have to register the sensor in Betafligth, taking into account the UART where it has been connected, all this in the ports tab.
After activating the GPS tick in the configuration tab, it is interesting to define the service in case of aircraftafe and also be able to use the RTH mode, so that according to the information provided by the GPS, the drone returns to its origin of takeoff in the configured way, both height, speed, angle of attack, speed of descent or distance of approach.
All these options, intuitive in its configuration.
The first time you connect the antenna and let it look for satellites for its operation, the time it takes to perform this task may be enough to drain a battery. It is necessary to take this time very into account since the drone is on and not in flight, both the fc and the vtx accumulate temperature, being able to become critical this temperature.
I strongly recommend, do not leave the equipment unattended in any case, as well as go controlling the temperature, in order to avoid accidental breakdowns.
The GPS antenna, brings a small battery that is responsible for providing service to the location storage of the last satellites, in this way, the time spent to recover the satellites (in future connections), is significantly reduced.
It is interesting, that the antenna is in the ideal position, in order to have direct access to the sky, to be able, far from the vtx, Fc or antennas, in order to avoid possible interference.
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