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A very good general purpose GPS module, widely compatible with the NEO-M8N by U-blox. I tested it with the u-center software on PC (by means of a UART-USB adapter), it catches GPS satellites (USA) as well as GLONASS satellites (Russia), and emits the same default set of NMEA messages as the NEO-M8N (see first picture). It accepts UBX configuration messages, and reports the same software and hardware version as the NEO-M8N (see second picture, BN-220T is on the right side). I compared the 3D fix accuracy, it seems is as good as the genuine u-blox module, which is much more expensive.
This is gonna be my first build with BN 220. I have already built a quad with BN-880, but later I found out that the biggest advantage of BN-880 over BN-220 is the compass, which is practically void in a quad due to the many interference of motors (so I've heard). That's why I've decided to build the next one with BN-220: lighter and cheaper than BN-880, it seems to be a good move as I'm not going to loose any feature in a quadcopter.