Delivery 3 weeks. It's a regular package, it's dented, it's intact. Tester for a fool, you can whip wherever you want and not burn thanks to auto mode. I could fully replace any large tester if I could measure more currents. It's a good thing for an electrician. Phases, frequency, voltage, ringing, 5 centimeters determine hidden wiring. More advanced will like additional modes of checking capacitors, diodes, resistances. In general, I liked the device, attracted by its efficiency, well, you - think. The wire to the tester is not of the highest, but of average quality in terms of softness. When ringing, if you want to set zero, a little twisted in the socket, so there was good contact. The display looks nice and rich, and the plastic housing is common. Batteries are not included, need 2 pcs AAA, At 2 discharged on 1 volt did not start, from ancient batteries with internal resistance in 2 and 4 ohm 1,25 V which place more on the garbage dump, The tester works perfectly.
Доставка 3 недели. Обычный пакет, коробка помята, вещь не пострадала. Тестер для дурня, можно сувать куда хочет и не спалить благодаря авто режиму. Мог бы полноценно заменить любой большой тестер , если бы измерял еще токи. Для электрика вещь достойная. Фазы, частота, напряжения, прозвонка, в сантиметрах 5-ти определяет скрытую проводку. Более продвинутому понравятся дополнительные режимы проверки конденсаторов, диодов, сопротивлений. Мне в целом прибор понравился, привлекает его оперативность, ну а Вам - сами думайте. Провод к тестеру не высшего, но среднего качества по мягкости. При прозвонке, если хочется выставить ноль , немного крутил в гнезде, чтобы был хороший контакт. Дисплей выглядит красиво и богато, а пластик корпуса обычно. Батареек в комплекте нет, нужны 2 шт AAA, При 2 разряженных по 1 вольт не запустился, от аккумуляторов древних с внутренним сопротивлением в 2 и 4 ом 1,25 V которым место больше на помойке, тестер отлично работает.
Delivery 3 weeks. It's a regular package, it's dented, it's intact. Tester for a fool, you can whip wherever you want and not burn thanks to auto mode. I could fully replace any large tester if I could measure more currents. It's a good thing for an electrician. Phases, frequency, voltage, ringing, 5 centimeters determine hidden wiring. More advanced will like additional modes of checking capacitors, diodes, resistances. In general, I liked the device, attracted by its efficiency, well, you - think. The wire to the tester is not of the highest, but of average quality in terms of softness. When ringing, if you want to set zero, a little twisted in the socket, so there was good contact. The display looks nice and rich, and the plastic housing is common. Batteries are not included, need 2 pcs AAA, At 2 discharged on 1 volt did not start, from ancient batteries with internal resistance in 2 and 4 ohm 1,25 V which place more on the garbage dump, The tester works perfectly.