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higuita 09/01/2022
So after one month of use, this is what i feel about this chair: The chair is good, i'm comfortable, specially after many finetune of the various settings, but it could be better. - arm rest is a bit lose, but not a big issue and can be workaround by placing some paper in the gap between the metallic arm rest support and the plastic arm rest part - arm rest very limited movements, sometimes i would like to move it forward to the legs, other push it back a little to the back. As the arm rest is curved, it should also have a angular movement, to better fit arm placement to the keyboard and mouse... so yes, a upgrade part to 4D arm rest would be great (hint: business opportunity) - high back support could be a bit better, a little more tension/strength or regulable tension. I have another chair from a local vendor that have better support and feels more comfortable in almost all settings . Maybe the problem is really here the back is connected to the seat, a little too far, making harder to seat with a good high back support. See the picture where you see a men seated, look where is back and bottom are - it is more for big people. i'm 1.70 and, with the minimum elevation, my feats reach the floor in a confortable way, but my wire is a little shorter and she doesn't properly place the feet in the ground... the chain should be allowed to drop more. This can be workaround with a foot support - also build for fat people, the seat is a little too wide and so the arm rests are also a little to far apart. Again, with more movement capabilities for the armrest, it could be probably fixed - finally as i said above, maybe the back connection to the seat is a little to far, the tilt angle starts to move away from the bottom, usually requiring re-seat to get to a better position. Maybe old habit, from older chairs, maybe a few centimeters too far, dunno Anyway, even with all this small details, it is a good chain, much better than many i tried (all "game chair" suck)
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higuita 08/03/2021
The good: - i can use vlc to see the http and rtsp feeds without any problem - Allow fine-tune quality, excellent for streaming to a remote location or local high speed network - setup was "easy" (ignoring the documentation, see below, i'm on linux and the docs are useless) - open ftp port (web interface login) and telnet (root, password can be cracked) The bad: - Old documentation, windows only, request to install ActiveX and use IE!. Using the sticker with the IP, username and password and knowledge how to change IP is enough. You need to connect a cable, change your network config to use the network (if not already using it), choose any ip other than the 120, connect to and login. Change the IP settings to match your network or enable the dhcp You can then revert back to your normal network config and use the new IP (check your router if you use dhcp). It work in either by cable or wifi if you configured it. Documentation is here: - I expected some quality degradation, but the image lose most sharpness and details, looks like the contrast is too high before compression, making the image too washed out, even at max bitrate. Trying changing the contract/sharpness in image settings didn't made any difference, so looks like this image adjust is bugged and the default setting have high contract/low sharpness The ugly: - It is 2021, flash was killed this year, after 8 years of deprecation warnings and that it would be retired this years... So selling something new that still request flash is very ugly. Remove that and use things like html5_rtsp_player and searching for "example-code-of-html5-playing-rtsp-video" . Even simply removing the live stream is better than get something so broke and useless. The same for the ancient activex+ IE support! it is usable , specially in small screens. big ones is poor. Have a open ticket
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higuita 08/03/2021
The good - i can use vlc to see the http and rtsp feeds without any problem - Allow fine-tune quality, excellent for streaming to a remote location or local high speed network - setup was easy (ignoring the documentation, see below, i'm on linux and the docs are useless) - open ftp port (web interface login) and telnet (root, password can be cracked) The bad - Old documentation, windows only, request to install ActiveX and use IE!. Using the sticker with the IP, username and password and knowledge how to change IP is enough. You need to connect a cable, change your network config to use the network (if not already using it), choose any ip other than the 120, connect to and login. Change the IP settings to match your network or enable the dhcp You can then revert back to your normal network config and use the new IP (check your router if you use dhcp). It work in either by cable or wifi if you configured it. Manual: - I expected some quality degradation, but the image lose most sharpness and details, looks like the contrast is too high before compression, making the image too washed out, even at max bitrate. Trying to changing the contract/sharpness in image settings didn't made any difference, so looks like this image adjust is bugged and the default setting have high contrast. The ugly - It is 2021, flash was killed this year, after 8 years of deprecation warnings and end of life this years... So selling something new that still request flash is very ugly. Remove that and use things like html5_rtsp_player and searching for "example-code-of-html5-playing-rtsp-video" . Even simply removing the live stream is better than seeing something so broke and useless. The same for the ancient activex and IE support! it is OK in small screens and poor in big ones Have a open ticket for this
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