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ken1martin you should have Netflix on the stick, it just doesn't show on the main menu. Go to sideliad launcher and you will see Netflix there. Ken

KaloianBK 10/01/2022
Comments (3)

ken1martin you can actually install third party apps using an app called sent files to TV from Google play store, install on projector and on another device like a smartphone or tablet, then use the apps to choose the app for sending by clicking send on the smartphone app and receive on the projector app and take it from there

BG168532123 08/03/2021
Comments (1)

Q: can this work with Netflix? can this voltage work in the US?

Asked by BG202314191 on 2020-11-01 03:23:24

ken1martin install aptoide TV on Projector, install netflix from there and it should work. worked for me

2021-03-12 02:42:22 Helpful (0)
Answers (9)