
schnuepp2 Youmay use the WL Toys (sparepart) receiverboard available from Banggood. This receiver board has 2 servos. You can connect the motor directly to it. The only drawback is, that you have to run your FS i 6 in AFHDS mode (which is programmable) and the bind the plane every time after you installed the battery. Switch the transmitter off and then on again. Then you are ready to fly!

mgamba 07/11/2019
Comments (1)

schnuepp2 DasManual ist auf dieser Seite 3 Zeilen oberhalb der Fotos des Flugzeugs als pdf-Datei herunterladbar verlinkt "Installation Manual". Damit sollte der Bau problemlos gelingen.

kbauss 03/12/2020
Comments (1)