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Very good charger, but it has very weak and inaccurate current sensor (the same issue I have with M6 version). If you calibrate current for one specific value e.g. 2A (or 3A or 5A doesn't matter) values over and below this point will be measured incorrectly. For example if you set on charger 1A real output current will be larger lets say 1.15A, if you set 0.5A output current will be 0.7A, for values larger than calibration point real output current will be lower than set e.g. for 3A real output will be 2.8A. (ISDT chargers have a very good and precise current meter) Best way is to calibrate it for 1A or 1.5A and don't charge small batteries below 500-600 mAh capacity. Rest of great features of that charger compensate that issue.
Файний пристрій, оновив до нової прошивки, зараз тестую на літієвих 18650, далі буду тестувати як він заряджає ра розряджає автомобільний акумулятор