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Fast delivery arriving in good shape. Just back from maiden flight and this is great plane for the price, it flies really well with a 2200 mAh at recommended CG which is fortunate as there is no room to move this size battery forward or backwards to adjust CG. There is penty of thrust from the PNP option motor/prop combo with good efficiency making for longer flight times. A strip of electric tape on wings leading edge for added protection and slapped on some paint as the stickers sucked.
didn't receive any propeller or spinner in my package, had to use my own. the instructions are very incomplete. also the motor mount included was too bent to use. didn't like some stickers so much, so I made my own plane decoration using some of the included stickers. also moded the landing gear topology for a tail dragger. overall it's a very nice model for its price. has lot of wing area, should fly decently. looking forward to maiden it. overall I'm happy with this purchase.