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Cepivorous If the pi is powered by battery from the module only without DC power connected. when switch to off, it will shutdown

2020-02-20 11:54:40 Helpful (0)
Answers (1)

DougA Update to my review, I've been using this weekly while topping up 2 leaky tires. I notice a slight air leak around the pressure release button, but not really a problem. I purchased another pressure gauge and it agrees with my old manual one, and both of them show that this unit I have is reading about 6PSI high. Also, not a problem as I just over inflate 6 PSI to compensate. Having this unit inline with the compressor hose is really nice.

DougA 08/10/2019
Comments (1)

DougA The hose side connects to the tire. The fitting by the gauge can be used to attach a line from the compressor if you want to monitor pressure while filling.

2019-12-12 03:17:15 Helpful (0)
Answers (2)

DougA After contacting customer service and they sent a replacement, that one works fine, no drivers needed

DougA 21/12/2017
Comments (2)