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BG391034531 So far the adjustments are accurate. There is a slow button to give you fine encoder control. Slow will display in the top of the display.

2024-08-04 11:36:55 Helpful (0)
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Q: can it be change from bar to lbs.

Asked by BG245503215 on 2024-01-13 04:49:04

BG391034531 Yes. To switch from Bar to PSI hold the menu button down for a few seconds (3-4 seconds). The unit screen appears, press the menu button once, you should see Bar flashing then press an arrow key once. You should see PSI in the lower left corner. Press the menu button once. Press the right arrow key once and it will go to the temp screen. Press the menu button once, then press an arrow key. You should see °F flashing in the lower right corner. Press the menu button once. Now you can either let the unit sit and it will revert to the main display or press and hold the menu button until it changes to the main display screen.

2024-07-02 09:29:23 Helpful (0)
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MarioMario68 Use group buying from PL warehouse. Join a group already created and you will get the advertised price.

2021-11-08 06:01:27 Helpful (1)
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