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BG551021514 Anyfireballs yet? Mine just showed up today, funnily enough to replace my 60A that also went up in a fireball. Haven't ran it yet but the on/off switch doesn't work so the T plug sparks when connecting the battery.

beejson 18/04/2022
Comments (5)

BG551021514 Ijust installed this ESC into my 124019 today, it cogs on me too but I only drove it a little around the back yard to see if it worked properly, I have a Surpass hobby card but doubt it would work.

OLderDan 06/05/2022
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BG551021514 Minedied last Sunday, running a 3200mah 50C 3s I had been using with it for a month, it just started cogging out of nowhere then went up jn flames.

AKavish 27/01/2022
Comments (3)

BG551021514 Damn,I have the same issues with the JX PDI-1171MG 17g servo, just got done upgrading my 124019. I'm always adjusting the trim and it just goes wherever it wants when I gun it, might be a good servo for a plane flap but it's fairly useless for steering a 1/12th scale car. Back to the drawing board to find another decent servo then.

gravit8 03/01/2022
Comments (1)

BG551021514 Itwill fit on the little servo bracket for the 124019, you just need to sand back the edges of the bracket a little bit, I have this servo on my 124019. I have some issues with the steering too, it will steer left, I set the trim so it rolls nice and straight, drive up and down then I have to set the trim the other way, also as soon as you give it a little acceleration it just turns hard left or right making it impossible to enjoy your new brushless motor. It might be a great servo for an RC airplane rudder but it's not great for steering a 1/10 scale car.

BG101817917 28/11/2021
Comments (2)