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STK66 unfortunately, you expect them to answer you here. this will not happen, as this isn't the customer support area. if you go there and check out customer support, they will be hopefully able to help you, to sort the problems out for you. good luck.

Calvin 16/01/2022
Comments (1)

STK66 if you want to buy separate batterys up to 4.0 Ah!!! as well as a load balanced, auto switch off upon full charge, battery charger, then check out a company by the name of WORXX. battery type is wx166 20V, 2.0 Ah, or even better wx523, 20V, 4.0Ah.

2020-03-09 07:46:18 Helpful (0)
Answers (6)

Q: as bateriassells only the batteries

Asked by GilliardOliveira on 2020-01-16 06:34:09

STK66 if you want to buy separate batterys plus a much better, load balanced battery charger, then try out WORXX WX566 20V, 2.0Ah or WX523 20V, 4.0 like a dream!

2020-03-09 07:39:06 Helpful (0)
Answers (2)

Q: Do you sell the 36 volt batteries separately?

Asked by iggyferrier1959 on 2019-10-05 05:00:11

STK66 you think the battery has 36 volts? well that is wrong! THE N A M E OF THIS BATTERY IS THIRTYSIXVEE! what a rip off, dont you think so? i think so. fully charged, the battery puts out 20.5 volts,1500mAh

2020-03-09 06:21:48 Helpful (0)
Answers (3)