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Q: vorrei sapere se il telecomando si può mettere in modo 1

Asked by Silvio on 2023-04-25 08:46:36

BG164612161 Yes,it's possible to switch to mode 2.It's all written on the manualmode2: left stick down foto button power button wait for beep and green light always on. Restart the controlmode1: left stick down video button power button wait for beep and green light always on. Restart the control

2023-08-18 08:11:28 Helpful (1)
Answers (2)

Q: Sulla radio c'è il modo1 acceleratore a Destra

Asked by Silvio on 2023-04-04 01:15:43

BG164612161 Yes, but it's possible to switch to mode 2.It's all written on the manualmode2: left stick down foto button power button wait for beep and green light always on. Restart the controlmode1: left stick down video button power button wait for beep and green light always on. Restart the control

2023-07-18 05:31:07 Helpful (2)
Answers (2)

kaboom16 Non so se possono spedirla direttamente in mode che io sappia la jumper t8sg v2 plus anche in mode 2 puoi invertire i comandi e farla diventare in mode 1

2019-09-03 05:03:11 Helpful (0)
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Celjane Forse potresti usare il "contattaci" per contattare il team di servizio clienti banggood.

2019-05-05 02:57:40 Helpful (0)
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