
RC_Dude Findthis post in Q/A section second answer is what you need to eneble vario. Q: is this sensor the same as a variometer? If not can you recommend a variometer that is compatible with a Flysky FS-i6x?

azert17 30/11/2020
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RC_Dude Findthis post in Q/A section second answer is what you need to eneble vario. Q: is this sensor the same as a variometer? If not can you recommend a variometer that is compatible with a Flysky FS-i6x?

BG423239155 31/01/2021
Comments (1)

RC_Dude Youmust set the 0m in Tx setup to update daily before the flight, as well as the air temperature. This is how all true altimeters work in real planes (except based on GPS, or laser, or ultrasound) depending on atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric pressure varies not only from altitude but also due to meteorological phenomena.

BG324217431 27/05/2021
Comments (2)