Geekcreit 37 In 1 Sensor Module Board Set Starter Kits SENSOR KIT For Arduino Plastic Bag Package
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This kit is excellent but be aware: 1. None of the modules are labeled 2. Two of the modules contain beads of elemental (liquid) mercury contained within their tilt switches. Mercury is extremely toxic when oxidized or when vapors or byproducts are ingested. Do not allow children to use these modules. Inspect each module carefully before opening the container. If mercury leaked properly dispose of the entire kit and call your local hasmat. Follow their directions on proper disposal. Call your carrier and ensure they are aware that there was a mercury spill. You are responsible for the leakage of mercury including the cost of cleanup. This is not something to purchase as a gift for someone who does not understand these risks. These modules are not toys. I wish they weren't included in a kit obviously marketed towards beginners. Simple ball bearing tilt switches are more than sufficient in this role. All other modules are excellent though once you figure out what each does!
Print stickers for blisters of the sensors kit... To help identification and usage.