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Top Positive Review for %s on Banggood, Shop best %s with lowest price on Banggood. Browse most helpful positive review for %s before you buy., rc toys, fun sports, fashion, popular electronics
nikolaidislazaros1 28/12/2018
FINALY .....FINALY a real thing......perfection from every aspect......durability quality power of a beast on 4s flies like 5" and most important it dont gives you headaches with every little tiny crash indoors or outdoors....imagine that i have crashed it indoors on one of my big 700 goblin helicopters on the boom which costs 120usd and instead the drone to break or anything it didnt even bend a prop and did "damage" to the carbon fiber boom of the heli to its painting job.....totaly amazing ...i m not youtuber but i ll go to try make a review for this worth every single cent (one photo is the helicopter which this beast hited )
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