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Top Positive Review for %s on Banggood, Shop best %s with lowest price on Banggood. Browse most helpful positive review for %s before you buy., rc toys, fun sports, fashion, popular electronics
Adrian202BG 30/04/2019
- 6 channels - 4 AUX channels (two potentiometers, push button and 3 position switch) - CAN CONTROL WINCH !! (with 3 position switch or potentiometer - Build in receiver gyroscope !! (will make car go straight on rocky road or where wheels would slip to sides) - 6 channel can control servo or sensitivity of gyroscope - BUILD IN V-MIXER !!!!!!! you can control two ESC like in tank or excavator !! - Neck strap holes (something new in pistol radios) - Simulator port and USB port to power radio with 5v - And most important price !!!!!!!!!!!!
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