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My Account My Orders My Wishlist My Coupons My Points My Referrals BGpayPetter Has anyone tested the equalizer board?
Reply 19/08/2020
Do not use this Board without an extra 5V Overvoltage and reverse voltage protection! All the black Board Versions of this device has an 5V or 4,8V Zehnerdiode and an extra diode for reverse voltage protection on board, between each balancer wire. This BIFRC Boards do not have this! This is an design fault which in my case burned some of the the balancer chips at the first connect to the battery balancer cable and caused an shortcircuit to the LIPO Cells. The Cells was furtunately protectetd with an self healing fuse, so it do not case an fire or so. I purched now the more advanced Version of this Balancer chip (8Pin ETA3000 version) with status LED and the protection Circuit on board.
There are two versions of the black PCBs in the wilde, some has only the mentioned Zehner and reverse Diode and the newer Versions have also an extra MOSFET Transistor on Board.
@xman12 Hi petter, Do you know how much current this board balances between each of the cells. The title say's 2 amps and the specification / descriptions says 1.5 amps? Also you mentioned not using this without reverse voltage protection or HV (5v) protection, however i intend to use this in tandem with a ANT BMS which will regulate the voltage, would that suffice?
Thanks for your help.
@John If you look at the ETA3000 PDF file you will see that there are 2 Versions of the ETA3000 one with 6pins and one with 8 Pins.
The 8 Pin version can show you the balancer status with an LED and it has an "EN Pin" which can be used to switch the IC on or off. (needs an optocoupler, I think)
Yes the 8pin version of this chip will be expensiver than this BIRFC Board. :-( I now have three of this 8pin ETA3000 Boards and they all will work great.
On Banggood there is only an similar Version of this board with only the 6pin Version of the ETA3000 chip. But as I see they all have the zehner Diode and an reverse protection diode on board. The problem is that they have no 16 or 24S version of it. But you can dasy chain two of this boards.
This board "should" balance up to 2Amps, but this depends on the voltage difference between the cells and how high the current is programmed with an resistor (pin1 on the chip) on the PCB. Search for " ETA3000 PDF " for further Information.
The ETA3000 chip will begin to balance at an delta voltage of 0.1V and balance down to <0.030V. (there are balancers on the market which can 0.003V)
The current will be set with an resistor, if it has the value of 25Kohm this will be mean an "I max" of 2Amps.
As higher the resistor is as lower is the I set max.
At my BIFRC PCB this resistor has 30Kohm so "I set" should be only 1,667A at max. (!! at Delta V of 0.1V!!)
I currently have an ANT BMS at home but I do not check if there is such an overvoltage protection on board.
But it is possible when not absolutly necessary that the ANT BMS has allready such an <5V protection on board.
I connect the ANT BMS many times to the accupack without problems so I think the engineers do their homework right.
The problem with this BIFRC Board is the "moment" you connect it to the balancer cable, It is possible that Eg. only Pin 1 and 4 get the first contact to the Accu pack. I do not fully understand why some of the ETA 3000 were burnt out at this moment, may be it kills itself because some balancewires were not connected to the cells in this moment and it try to balance out from an higher to an lower voltage cell. If there is no load at the output, the Voltage rises to an level which burn out the chip.
If there were an Zehner diode in parallel to the Balancer wires (direct on the BIFRC Board), the current can flow about it and limit the voltage to lower than 5V. (but it isn't there.)
So there is also the reason why an overvoltage protection on the ANT BMS won't help much, the ETA3000 chip will still burn out if it has no Load because of an open balancer wire.
I bought an 16s Active balancer Board at E B A Y which has the big 8pin ETA3000 version Chip and Balancer LEDs.
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